Boy Education
Friday, September 21, 2012
Facebook and Twitter: Make Communication and Start-up Business Easier
It is really a commonplace for people to use facebook and twitter these days due to the development of internet. The existence of Internet colorizes people’s daily life in different ways. Firstly it enriches people’s way of entertaining. In old days, people didn’t have many ways to relax and refresh themselves. What they only could do was to talking and laughing with their old friends. Later, with the appearance of television, people have wider ways to get the information they want from the real world. Now, due to the development of Internet people far away from each other could still get in touch by different kinds of online chatting tools and social networking websites. And it also improves the relationship between parents and children. I will take myself as an example.
When there was no internet, the way I used to record the highs and lows of the day is to write diaries. By writing diaries on the notebook, I could express my feeling bluntly. But I will keep them as secrets from my parents. Because At the age of 16, I started to aware the concept of privacy and I try to leave myself alone in a separate space. Therefore, the chances of communication between my parents and I are reduced, even if my parents try to understand me more substantially. But after the appearance of the Internet, I started to write blogs and add faces book and twitter fans and have a desire to share my own life to others, as the process of sharing is becoming more and more common for people in different backgrounds. Finally, one day I add my parents to facebook and twitter.
In addition the social networking website such as twitter and facebook open the world of start-up business for me. When I went to college in the year 2009, I decided to start my own business, because I have realized that my dream is to be an entrepreneur in the future, I started my online shop with high ambition. But there is an old says goes that it is easy to open a shop, but hard to keep it open. I found quickly that there were not many clients to come to my online shop. I was very anxious those days. Then I heard one of my friends’ advices. She is very good and brain-storming and planning. She suggests me to buy twitter follower and buy facebook likes to support my business. According to investigation, when composing and posting, many people don't think about how many people might see their updates, which means sometimes people don’t know how influential their words are. The more people pay attention to your updates, the more successful your business will be. So it is necessary to get more facebook fans and increase twitter followers to keep your business going. After buying some targeted fans on facebook and twitter, I found that the browse volume is larger in my online shop and the credibility in my online shop is much higher, and combined with some promotion activities, I finally keep my online shop open steadily.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
How to Get Free Microsoft Points
Right now there tend to be a lot of Xbox live lovers playing right now which would certainly want to be able to acquire their own membership which is free of charge. This is not a big surprise considering the popularity of the xbox live gaming community. Especially the hard core gamers who spend most of their time playing online games However several individuals have a significant issue with having to spend the fairly large prices which are required in order to play the actual online game. Especially with the current economic state. Most gamers will struggle to afford a game not to mention the membership. Which is the reason why there tend to be so many consumers searching for free gold Xbox Live membership.
If you're a Microsoft subscriber, you have an extra chance of getting free microsoft points. Microsoft does give away freebies such as free gaming for a certain number of hours. However, don't hold your breath. These occasions aren't common and only occur when sponsored by some other company.
Finally, the only way to get a consistent influx of free microsoft points is to work for it. Although that sentence might be considered a bit of a paradox, there are websites out there that reward you with gaming codes when you complete whatever it is they ask you to do. These tasks may range from surveys to referrals to anything else that benefits the website.
how to get free microsoft points?
To read more about this subject visit
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Injury claim
If you have been involved in an accident, and through no fault of your own have suffered an injury as a result, then chances are you will be able to claim compensation. No matter how minor your injury appears to be at this stage or who the person or company at fault was, making an injury claim is your right and should be exercised to bring justice to a difficult situation.
What types of injuries can be claimed for?
One of the most frequent types of injury claim submitted relate to accidents on the road. Whether you were a driver or passenger of a car, or were travelling on public transport or a bike at the time of the accident, if you were hurt and another driver was at fault, you can claim. Common injuries include back and neck injuries, including whiplash, and injuries to the head or hands as a result of the collision.
Less common, but still a source of regular claims, relate to slips and trips when out and about. Building owners, local councils and workmen have a responsibility to ensure public rights of way and the public areas within buildings are kept safe, clean and free from hazards that could cause a trip. Slipping on wet floors, broken paving slabs or tripping over trailing cables can all result in a range of injuries, from twisted ankles to broken wrists, all of which are regularly seen by professionals handling injury claim cases.
Sometimes even the workplace is not as safe as it should be, and workers sometimes become injured as a result of faulty machinery, poor training or bad health and safety practice. In cases like this an injury claim will often result in remedial action by the employer, meaning other employees will be safer at work in the future, so it is especially important to make a claim if this has happened to you.
When should you claim?
As a general rule of thumb, the sooner the better applies to any type of injury claim. The sooner you can start the claims process, the easier it will be for your solicitor to contact any witnesses and get hold of any other evidence required. Also your injury will be fresh, so if you need to see an independent doctor they will be able to see first hand the extent of your injuries.
Personal injury law understands that making an injury claim is not necessarily the first thing on someone’s mind after they have been involved in an accident. That is why claims can still be started up to three years after the accident happened. In the case of industrial disease and other issues that take years to reveal themselves, there is still a chance to claim beyond the three year cap.
How much does it cost?
These days, the majority of solicitors who deal with injury claim cases will work on a no win no fee basis. This means you will not have to pay them anything if your claim is not successful, and there will be nothing to pay up front.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
HighScope Visit
I always come away from classroom visits with lots of ideas. It makes me wish that I still had my own classroom. However, I will use the information to support the classrooms that I visit with my student teachers. There are so many things to learn about teaching and supporting children. I can't get enough!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Early Childhood Writing

Friday, March 9, 2012

I had the distinct pleasure of attending a gallery stroll for a 6 year-old boy the other day. We had been invited by his father, who collects art, to see his son's exhibit. They had scheduled a local small gallery in one of our malls and we arrived to see the art that Nathan had created. I guess I went on the assumption that the reason for the stroll was because there was an amazing 6 year-old artist. He ended up being much more than just amazing. His art was the art of a 6 year-old child. However, his thought processes, his explanations, and the creativity he displayed through his art were the most incredible things of all. He was dressed in a suit, his art was arranged in a fabulous array of displays, and there were even refreshments. I was astounded by the planning and preparations that his family had gone through to produce a wonderful evening. Nathan was elated and played the part of an amazing host. As I was watching this scene unfold in the gallery I thought how fortunate he was to have a family who makes such a great effort to support his interests and budding talent. Wouldn't it be wonderful if every 6 year-old child could feel that level of support, encouragement, and love. It did make me start thinking about what else I can do to support my grandchildren....
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Press Here

One of my favorite picture books published last year was, "Press Here," by Herve' Tullet. I was interested in this book because it fits nicely into my International Children's Literature course that I teach. "Press Here" is from France and was originally published the previous year in that country. If you have not had the joy of experiencing this book, please do so. It is an interactive book that encourages the reader to press dots, clap, tilt the book and other physical actions. For years, many early childhood teachers and parents have enjoyed using the book, "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus," by Mo Willems, because it is so interactive for young children. "Press Here" is of the same caliber.
I remember reading a research paper years ago which suggested that children don't always get a concrete learning experiences from books read to them without interaction. The key is to make the story comprehensive by asking questions, discussing pictures or talking about the story characters. This is important to do with children, but I really love books that naturally allow the child to become part of the story. Pick up "Press Here." You will love it.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Diversity Begins with Us
One of the things about diversity in an educational setting is how we look at ourselves. Do our actions show what we think we believe about acceptance? I worked with a teacher once who would bragged about how accepting she was of every child. It was confusing to me to watch her exhibit a very short temper to any non-white student she had in her class. The children of color in her room were the ones always in time-out and being punished in some way. She also had very low expectations for these children. The sad issue is that I think she truly believed she was accepting of diversity and differences. Her actions did not mirror what she thought she believed.
Diversity includes:
* culture
* language
* gender
* ability differences
* exceptionalities
I'm glad we have realized that accepting others includes more than just ethnicity or culture. As educators, we need to continually look within and make sure that our actions reflect the belief that ALL children are welcome at the table and are equally special.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Things Are Not Always as They Appear!

I had the opportunity to spend some of the holiday season in Kaua'i. On that island there is an amazing wonder called Waimea Canyon. It is considered the Grand Canyon of Hawaii. Indeed when we went to see it, I was shocked that this amazing canyon was hiding on an island. That portion of the island was not as it appeared from a distance. A hidden treasure!
I was talking with a group of students today about NAEYC's requirements for 'multiple measures' to be used in tracking children's progress. That information is part of Standard 4 in NAEYC's Accreditation process. It is critical for us to individualize enough so that we can monitor the progress of each child. Sometimes children can fool us with their knowledge when they are in a group setting. Just like Waimea Canyon, things may not be as they appear. Within the classroom we can easily assume a child has mastered a skill that may still be a challenge for her individually. Without individualization and assessment, we would not know about the additional support that she may need. I remember a child I had a number of years ago that I assumed was a solid reader. He seemed to fit into our reading program well. However, when I asked him to read to me one day, he read a paragraph completely different than what was in print. The irony was that when he was finished he had stated the same information that was in the paragraph, just using different words and rewording sentences. Without individualized attention, his lack of skills may have been like the canyon-completely unknown from a distance. Individualized assessment allows us to explore every skill canyon that we are trying to reach. Assessment can keep us from false appearances in the classroom.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Joyful Reading
It is often difficult to help a struggling child keep a positive attitude about reading. For many children it becomes a daunting and impossible task. It is up to the adult working with the child to do everything possible to instill in the child a desire to be successfull and a feeling that she can become a reader. That is a challenge for us all. How do we help the child become excited about something that she feels unsuccessful doing? I think that tracking (grouping children by ability) is one of the mistakes teachers often make. Reading researchers indicate that tracking is one of the worst things that can be done for a child on or below reading level. She has no models for success and she may mentally label herself as "dumb." Those are hard issues to overcome. Mixed level groups and activities seem to be the most successful for struggling readers. I had a lot of success in my own classroom with mixed groups. It was a beginning step to instilling that desire to read in a child who originally had that excitement when she started school.